Choosing to buy a property is usually an emotional process. While there are finances and the resale value to consider, the decision is mostly tied to how the property makes you feel.
We know it’s morbid, but our experience tells us that this query is more common than you might think, yet it’s a tricky and sensitive subject. So, if you’re thinking about buying a house someone died in, but aren’t sure what it’ll mean for you, we’re here to help.
In this article, we’ll help answer the question, “Should I buy a house someone died in?” by explaining what needs to be disclosed during the sale, what can impact resale value in the future and what other things you should consider before you decide.
Can I Buy a House Someone Died In?
Yes, you can buy a house someone died in.
Death is a part of life and many people pass away in the comfort of their own homes. If the person lived alone or other family members decide to sell after the passing, it’s completely normal for the property to go on the market shortly afterwards.
In these instances, choosing to purchase the property can be a good thing, as you’ll be helping the family move on or start afresh somewhere new.
Are Houses Someone Died In Cheaper?
Usually, no, houses someone died in aren’t cheaper, but it can depend on the circumstances of the death.
Someone passing away from natural causes in a property doesn’t need to be declared and won’t impact the resale value. You can ask the estate agent whether someone died in the house, but it’s important to remember that most sellers (unless it was a recent death) won’t know the answer. This is especially the case with older builds.
If you come across a probate property where the owner has passed away (not necessarily in the house) that the family are selling, it may be cheaper than others. But this will usually be because the property is older/outdated or because the family want a quick sale, not because of the death.
However, if there was a murder in the property or someone died by suicide, this information does need to be disclosed. Depending on various factors, the resale value can be adversely impacted.
If you’re concerned about the reason for a lower asking price on a property, speak to the estate agent.
Should I Buy a House Someone Died In?
Buying a house is a personal and emotional process. If you want to purchase a property, it’s usually because you have a good feeling about it. Maybe you can see yourself living there and can see its potential. Or you’re just in love with the interior and local area.
If you get a bad feeling from a house, you probably won’t want to buy it, regardless of whether those feelings are about the death.
But if you like the property and your only worry is the fact someone died there, take time to think about whether it’ll concern you long-term or once you’re living there.
Speak to the estate agent if you’re concerned and consider asking your friends and family for advice, too. They may have personal experiences to share that could help reassure you of any worries.
Buying a house someone passed away in can feel comfortable for some, but not for others. It really depends on your personal preferences and whether you’re prepared to accept the impact, if any, on resale value in the future.
If you need more information about one of Cribs Estates Ltd ’s properties for sale in London, speak with us today. Our friendly team are happy to answer your queries and help you find the perfect place to live.
Get in touch by calling 0203 441 1571 or emailing us at info@cribsestates.co.uk.