The court just ordered a landlord to pay the penalty of £23,000 and more as fines and other legal costs when he failed to ensure his property falls under housing regulations. The ruling by the court is a step forward to ensure the authorities take strict actions against landlords who don’t follow legal rules. It was also ruled that if the landlord fails to pay the penalty, they will face a jail time of up to three months.
The penalty breakdown includes a £18,500 fine, £3,750 in costs, and a victim surcharge of £2,000. However, it must be noted that the case was made against the landlord for failing to comply with the housing regulations multiple times, including failing to carry out essential repairs and safety checks for the tenants living in this house.
Breach Details
When local authorities launched a complete investigation after receiving multiple complaints from the tenants, they found many breaches in the house.
There was dampness and mould found in rooms, directly threatening tenants' health.
The electrical wiring in the house was faulty, and sparks were coming out, which could cause a fire hazard at any time.
The house lacked proper heating, which left it in cold conditions.
The landlord responsible for the house had not obtained the legal licence required to manage his rented property.
The council repeatedly warned the landlord, but he failed to work on the required improvements, which led to prosecution.
Crackdown on Non-Compliant Landlords
With this case in hand, the government plans to crack down on other landlords who are not following to keep up with regulations. As per the law in the UK, local councils can legally impose civil penalties of up to £30,000 for each offence. The landlords may face a complete ban or jail time in severe cases.
This ruling was meant to warn landlords about the importance of housing laws. Councils are using more powers to enforce the laws and ensure that rented properties are safe, livable, and compliant.
Landlords are urged to check their properties regularly to make sure all health and safety measures are in place so that there are no heft panelities for them.