One of the areas in the UK with the one of the most Airbnb short lets council’s leader is urging the government to put together a range of incentives that will ‘persuade’ those landlords to switch back to long term tenancies.
Devon of course is not alone as there are many other UK holiday ‘hot spots’ that have experienced major declines in the number of available long term tenancies, as over countless years during the summer vacation period many landlords have taken advantage of Airbnb type lets.
Councillor Worden says: “House prices have risen significantly in North Devon, with some pockets seeing rises of 18 per cent in the past 12 months.
“Many of the properties that have been sold in North Devon have been bought to be used as second homes or as short-term holiday lets and so are no longer available to local people. This is a very worrying trend and something that requires collective action from local and national government to tackle.
“The impacts are not just on the individuals but also on our economy and social structure, as businesses and public services are now finding it hard to attract new employees as a direct result of the shortage of permanent accommodation.
“…We have also purchased a number of properties for use as emergency temporary accommodation which means that there is less reliance on bed and breakfast accommodation.
“…We are keen for residents to come forward when they are aware of derelict or empty properties that could be brought back into use and, in certain circumstances, offer loans to owners of those properties in an effort to encourage them to move them back into use.”